Tips on Purchasing a New Refrigerator

It's time to purchase a new refrigerator, whether the reason is because your remodeling and would like to upgrade or your current one stopped working. Take into consideration these tips on what to look for when purchasing a refrigerator today.


Tip 1: To ensure it's energy efficient look for an Energy Star model.

Tip 2: Look for the yellow EnergyGuide label. This label can be used to determine the model's energy use and you can create an annual estimate of operating costs.  Comparing the energy use to similar models will help determine which model is best for your needs. 

Tip 3: Top-mounted freezers use 10-25% less energy than bottom-mounted or side-by-side models.

Tip 4: Choose the right size refrigerator for your space. Generally, the larger the appliance, the greater the energy consumption. 

Tip 5: Besides being a higher cost, automatic ice-makers and through-the-door ice dispensers can increase energy use by 14-20%.

Image credit: GE Appliances

Image credit: GE Appliances